2019 Stanford Gamification + Design Thinking 史丹佛「遊戲化+設計思考」工作坊 (教師場) |
2019-06-01 09:00:00 ~ 2019-06-01 16:00:00
設計思考 說故事 工作坊 課程 講座
時間:2019 年 6 月 1 日 上午 9:00-下午 16:00 (8:30 開始入場)
地點:輔仁大學創意設計中心(新北市新莊區中正路 510 號 宜真學苑 1F)
●學員 (Applicants)
- 學員對象:各校教職員
- 參與人數:徵選20名
★ 結業頒發英文國際認證證書
●特邀講師 (Lecture)
Alec Walker
'' 為美國史丹佛大學傑出校友,Inly顧問公司創辦人,受正統MBA訓練,及史丹佛設計思考學院(Stanford D.school)的陶冶,亦在台大、交大舉辦設計思考工作坊。''
●課程表 (Agenda)
Instructor Training Introduction
There are two main reasons why instructors should attend the training on gamification and storytelling.
First, the concepts covered in this workshop will be important to students as they emerge from their academic training and enter the workplace, no matter their vocation. Instructors can learn from this workshop how to teach students to represent their ideas to inspire others and how to teach students to design workflows that are attractive and motivating to others. Utilizing gamification and storytelling in the courses and projects you design for your students will help them to become better leaders.
Second, instructors can use elements of gamification and storytelling to boost their own endeavors in the academic workplace to bring prestige to their efforts and to their institutions. The workshop will help instructors to control how society at large is viewing their work and their school.
●報名資訊 (Registration Information)
- 報名期限:即日起 至 5 月 5 日 00:00 止
●報名費用 (Registration Fee)
新台幣 1,500 元整
-輔大教職員 免費參加
●報名表下載 (Application Form)
●結果公告 (Result Announce)
- 5 月 8 日前電子郵件通知獲選者,
請於 5 月 24 日 15:00 前完成繳費,逾期視同放棄,將由備選者依序填補。
●繳費方式 (Acceptable Payment Methods)
-現場繳費:請於期限內,繳交至輔大創意設計中心(宜真學苑1F),office hour 8:00-16:30
-郵局劃撥:請務必於 5 月 17 日前,至郵局完成劃撥繳費(需負擔20元手續費),如未能於此日繳款,須至現場繳費。
Step1: 直接下載本劃撥單( 點我下載 ) 或 至郵局依照下圖資訊填寫,並於寄款人欄內填上金額、通訊地址、電話
Step2: 完成劃撥後,請發Email,信中註明 參加者姓名、寄款人姓名與劃撥日期至fjucdcenter@gmail.com
活動窗口 (Contact Us)
02-29056432 / fjucdcenter@gmail.com