2017 Stanford Design Thinking Workshop 史丹佛設計思考工作坊 (輔大教師場) |
2017-10-14 09:00:00 ~ 2017-10-15 16:00:00
工作坊 設計思考
2017 Stanford Design Thinking Workshop
本次「Stanford Design Thinking Workshop 史丹佛設計思考工作坊」,
將由Alec Walker以全英文方式原裝傳授「設計思考」之 Know-How,
時間:106 年 10 月 14 日-15 日 上午 9:00-下午 16:00 (8:30 開始入場)
地點:輔仁大學創意設計中心(新北市新莊區中正路 510 號 宜真學苑 1F)
●學員 (Applicants)
- 學員對象:輔仁大學教職員
- 參與人數:徵選20名
★ 結業頒發英文國際認證證書
●特邀講師 (Lecture)
Alec Walker
'' 為美國史丹佛大學傑出校友,Inly顧問公司創辦人,受正統MBA訓練,及史丹佛設計思考學院(Stanford D.school)的陶冶,亦在台大、交大舉辦設計思考工作坊。''
●課程表 (Agenda)
Instructor Training Introduction
The purpose of this general training is to communicate the importance of instilling design thinking values in students (the way in which design thinking will help the students reach relevant goals), to offer tools for design thinking training (specific exercises as well as how to customize them), and to demonstrate affiliated coaching and facilitation tactics (general best practices as well as detailed tips that maximize student learning from design thinking exercises). The general training consists of a mixture of both activity and lecture. We'll engage in some design thinking exercises that are less individually focused and more team-focused, so the participants are learning design thinking concepts in the context of the kinds of team dynamics they'll need to facilitate as they implement the training, themselves. Depending on the design thinking experience of the participants, different portions of the training will be emphasized to varying extents.
●報名資訊 (Registration Information)
- 報名期限:9 月 8 日 00:00 至 9 月 20 日 00:00 止
●報名表下載 (Application Form)
*報名完成後請連將報名表、拍照教職員證寄至 fjucdcenter@gmail.com,寄件標題註明「史丹佛設計思考工作坊_教職員身分驗證」未回傳將無法開放參加本工作坊。
●結果公告 (Result Announce)
- 10 月 4 日前電子郵件通知獲選者,如未於 10 月 9 日 15:00 前完成繳費者,視同放棄資格,由備選者依序填補。
淡助理 cdckarentan@gmail.com 02-2905-6716